Excellent Coffee in Seattle’s University District
The Trabant is the kind of Seattle coffee shop you would imagine in the heart of any University district in Seattle.
In essence they are the barometer of life in this insular part of town, mixing homeless vagrants, with rockers, stoners, Ph.D candidates, techies, and liberal studies majors.
Yes, it’s all here at the nexus called Trabant Coffee & Chai. No doubt, the coffee is excellent – 5 stars in my book. They use the beans of Kuma Coffee Roasters, a local Seattle roaster, which I can’t wait to get to interview.
Many visitors wonder what the name of the coffee shop actually mean. “Trabant” is “a satellite” in German and it is also an iconic German car. The owner of the place says that this name represents hope, change and exploring a new place. A Satellite breaks previously set boundaries and going exploring new frontiers.
University Student Life and Seattle Coffee Really Do Mix Well
Complete with baristas with tats, piercings, and dreads, this place attracts the best and the worst of the U-District, and it is, simply lovely. Serving up a great espresso, it ranks high among a long list of great Seattle coffee shops in the university district that each have their own unique coffee offerings.
With a cold steel staircase that leads to a second floor where many studious plotters hone their procrastination skills, Trabant offers a cozy little nest by which to perch and people watch from their large storefront windows. The place is buzzing with youthful angst and student life.
I love this café because this is just the kind of establishment that would appeal to closet revolutionaries and yet, be tame enough to hold a bible study, or indulge a group of freshmen around one its tables for a family board game. The place is edgy, yet smooth around the edges.
Along with great coffee, they serve various beers, cookies, and sandwiches all of which looked and smelled delicious.The baristas are all cool and chatty. The guy that fixed up my espresso was exceptionally friendly and very interested in talking about his coffee. For sure, I thoroughly enjoyed the coffee, the edgy atmosphere, and the large window, and would recommend it for anyone.
Trabant Coffee is Now Closed
Location: 1309 NE 45th Street (They also have another location on 2nd Street)
Neighborhood: University District
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